
It's a good feeling

Talks of Jesus.
Talks of hating your mom's boyfriend.
Talks of bad relationships.
Talks of people.
Talks of your past.
Talks of your sister.
Talks of that mean girl.
Talks of moving out.
Talks of love sparks.
Talks of what certain songs are about.
Talks of dreams.

Late at night. Never wanting to stop talking. Blissful.


I'm having one of those nights.

You know those nights where you know you could cry really hard for a long time? Where you almost want to because you know it'd make you feel a lot better. Just a huge mental breakdown for no reason.



It's two in the morning. You're driving home with the guy you fall hard for. Sitting in the backseat. He's holding you, and you're falling asleep in his arms. You don't speak. You listen to the music. There's not a worry in your mind. Life could stay like this forever. Just driving. He kisses your head. You're wondering if he really did, or if you were dreaming. It's the feeling of bliss. His brother gets to your house, but you don't want to leave. You hug, and walk inside. You're shaking from happiness. Dizzy. Can't stop smiling. You're mom comes in, and you have to control your smile from being too great. She leaves, and he calls. Bliss.
Your best friend gets out of the shower at two thirthy in the morning, says "lets go," and pulls you out your window. You have no idea what she's doing, but you go with it. The two of you run to the big intersection around the corner. You stand under the stoplight and dance. You both turn and sprint the way home, dive into the window. You defied gravity. It was bliss.