
Love is madness.

People always say they want to know what Love is. They go to websites and books to try to learn. I truly do not think anything can tell you what Love is. You have to find out what Love is. On your own. In my fifteen years, I've learned that Love isn't just limited to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.
Love is the feeling of God completely wrapped around you. Knowing that great Love is indescribable. It's warming and a huge comfort. You have faith in your future. An agape Love.
Love is you and your best friend talking at her locker after school. About your day. About anything that comes to mind. Simply talking. Bonding. Learning even more about her even after five years of being best friends.
Love is staying up late on the phone with your best guy friend, and realizing you're in Love with him. It's that feeling of never wanting to leave that person. That comfortableness you have with him. You could never get tired of him. It's Loving him even if people say you're too young or it's just an infatuation. It's believing Love can withstand.
These are examples of Love I've found. I'm certain the Love you find won't be exactly like mine. Like I said, you have to find it on your own. It's a journey, and I'm still learning what Love is.

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