
How He loves us.

One of my favorite songs ever is sung by Kim Walker! Its called "How He Loves", and one night at the Friday night 24.7 thing we played this song for worship. God has never been more real to me since then! He loves us so much! Nobody can even BEGIN to fathom how much God loves us. Like the song says, "He is jealous for me, His love's like a hurricane. I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy!" Guys, He is so amazing! Words can't describe how wonderful He is! My algebra teacher, Mrs. Tedescucci, told us so many times that we are a chosen generation! At the beginning of the year we all just thought she was a weird, emotional teacher, but when we got to know her throughout the year, we realized that she really did care about us are we ARE a chosen generation! God loves you!

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