So, I was reading my best friend's blog, and i cried like every couple posts. I have no idea why. I just want out. I layed in my closet cause I go there to think, sleep, pray, cry. Anything. It's my refuge. Thought: two of my best friends layed in it this week. I wish they were here. Anyways, lately, I haven't been myself. I have, but I just don't know anymore. My mom used to be my best friend. I told her everything. Now, I don't like when she's home. I want to yell bad words at her because she pisses me off. I hope it's just a stupid teenage phase.
Another thing I noticed is I neverwant to skate anymore. It's not the same as it used to be. I don't think it's fun anymore. I hate thinking that. I don't want it to be just another thing I've quit. I've quit a lot.
I want to be myself again. To not have mental breakdowns every month and a half about. To spend more time with Lexie. To not get angry every time I talk to my mom. To not want to leave so badly. To not say bad words. Just be me.
Trust in God that he will lead you in the path of who you are meant to be. You may change when you grow up, you may not be the person that you knew before but you will be an amazing person and I know this because you have God. :D