Forever is such a hard concept to grasp for me. Whether it be God's eternal life forever or our time on this earth "forever." Especially when it comes to relationships. I can't wrap my head around someone being with one person for the rest of their lives. Yes, I have a love interest. Yes, I want to be with him forever, but that's not one hundred percent sure. It's terrifying to think that one day we possibly couldn't be together or even not be just friends. He's my best friend. Him and Lex. My two closest friends. My all. My wonderwalls. My boy and I have had our little thing going for a year in a little over a month. It's a long time for high school relationships, but it's just the beginning if we plan on staying together. There are people all around who have been with their spouse for many many years and they could have possibly been only their first or second love interests, yet I still can't see how people can stay together forever. That sounds terrible, and I'm starting to repeat myself. I want to be with this boy forever, and people want us to be too, and I have faith in us, but it's still. So. Hard. For me to think about forever.
On another note, jealousy. It's my greatest weakness. So the boy showed up outside my window. I was so happy, but then I realized he came for a book from my friend down the street, stayed for tea, then came to my house. I'm still glad he came and all, hut I couldn't help feeling that pain of jealousy that he stayed for a while and basically ran from my house. Oh well. It's over now, and I've had a good day. It still made me happy. I'm over it.
Moving on. I feel like I've gotten myself in too deep with my boy. Just like love. I know I'm in love with him, but I don't ever like saying so because people doubt it so much especially because we're only fifteen and sixteen. If anything happens to us, we'll both be really heartbroken because we're so emotionally attached now, and sometimes I try to think of reasons we wouldn't stay together. That always ends badly. The only reason I could ever think of is me getting bored of him. I hate that though. I also wonder if he gets jealous as much as j do. I also feel like I depend on him more than he depends on me. Just a thought.
Last one I promise. Does anyone ever doubt their love for someone? Like, sometimes I question whether I love him or not. I know I do, as previously stated, but I still overthink everything. I also have those typical girl thoughts like "he doesn't love me" blah blah blah. I hate those kinds.
Nevermind. This is the last. My friend who is an adult woman, said the other day that teenagers shouldn't date because they are still finding themselves, and they could change at anytime. You could get into a relationship and never really know a person because you didn't know their fully matured, found self. This thought just had to put another doubt in my mind. I hate being an stupid, emotional, teenage girl sometimes. BUT I did say back to my friend that the two people could also find themselves through their significant other, and grow together. She agreed, and my thoughts were somewhat put at peace.
To the nonexistent readers of this blog, I apologize for such a stupid post all about my emotional teenage girlness. I just had to get these thoughts out.
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