

My friend and I didn't get the point of being fourteen. It's dumb. You can't drive, you can't have a job. You're so restrained by so many things. I talked to my other friend about it the other night.
She told me that fourteen was the year you find out who you are. You realize who your true friends are, and that you honestly don't know what to do with your life.
When I was fourteen, everything changed.
So much happened.
Completely different friends.
First boyfriends.
First kisses.
Losing friends.
Making the best friends I could imagine.
Realizing you don't know everything about a person.
First cuss words.
Big drama.
High school.
Switching schools.
Losing interest.
Before this year, I didn't even know four of my seven best friends. I can't imagine not knowing them now.
At fifteen, I want to make life okay. It's a new start. I'm ready to see what it has in store for me.

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